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90 bytes removed, 04:13, 17 August 2018
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! {{ MainPageCharacter | articlename = :Category:Location | image = Location.jpg | img-size = 180px | img-width = 180px | img-height = 123px | bgcolor = Navy | name = Location | fontsize = 14px | namebgcolor = Navy }}! {{ MainPageCharacter | articlename = :Category:Weather and Climate | image = Weather.jpg | img-size = 180px | img-width = 180px | img-height = 123px | bgcolor = Goldenrod | name = Weather and Climate | fontsize = 14px | namebgcolor = Goldenrod }}! {{ MainPageCharacter | articlename = :Category:General Facts | image = Genfacts.jpg | img-size = 180px | img-width = 180px | img-height = 123px | bgcolor = DarkCyan | name = General Facts | fontsize = 14px | namebgcolor = DarkCyan }}
{| class="imagetable"
! {{ MainPageCharacter | articlename = :Category:National Holidays and Celebrations | image = CELEBRATION.jpg | img-size = 180px | img-width = 180px | img-height = 123px | bgcolor = OrangeRed | name = National Holidays and Celebrations | fontsize = 14px | namebgcolor = OrangeRed }}! {{ MainPageCharacter | articlename = :Category:Money and Currency | image = Money.jpg | img-size = 180px | img-width = 180px | img-height = 123px | bgcolor = OliveDrab | name = Money and Currency | fontsize = 14px | namebgcolor = OliveDrab }}! {{ MainPageCharacter | articlename = :Category:Communication | image = Communication.jpg | img-size = 180px | img-width = 180px | img-height = 123px | bgcolor = SlateBlue | name = Communication | fontsize = 14px | namebgcolor = SlateBlue }}
{| class="imagetable"
! {{ MainPageCharacter | articlename = :Category:Medical and Emergencies | image = Medical.jpg | img-size = 180px | img-width = 180px | img-height = 123px | bgcolor = FireBrick | name = Medical and Emergencies | fontsize = 14px | namebgcolor = FireBrick }}! {{ MainPageCharacter | articlename = :Category:Culture | image = Culture.jpg | img-size = 180px | img-width = 180px | img-height = 123px | bgcolor = DarkSlateGray | name = Culture | fontsize = 14px | namebgcolor = DarkSlateGray }}! {{ MainPageCharacter | articlename = :Category:Business | image = Business.jpg | img-size = 180px | img-width = 180px | img-height = 123px | bgcolor = SlateGray | name = Business | fontsize = 14px | namebgcolor = SlateGray }}

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